Organisation Details

Organisation Details

Your Organisation Name and Address details

Organisation Name

  • The Organisation business name, or the trading name your Organisation is known by.

Legal Name

  • The legal name as registered with the Companies Office

Physical Address

  • The physical address of your Organisation.

Postal Address 

  • The address iPayroll will use when posting private and confidential documents to you. 


Your Organisation Banking Options

Payment Methods Defined

There are two direct debit options for iPayroll to process the payroll to pay your staff. Your Payment Method is set on your Organisation Details page, and determines how money flows from your Organisations bank account: 

Direct Debit by iPayroll

This is the easiest and best option, as once you have confirmed your payroll, we do the rest. iPayroll will debit your account and credit your employees accounts with their nett pay.  We will also pay all of your staff's deduction agencies, and the IRD (if we are managing your tax), etc. We will even manage any returned funds on your behalf - saving you even more time. (For example, if someone closes their Bank Account without advising you). 

Note: Some bank security may be requried for this option depending on size of organisation.

Other options to use the Direct Debit facility without a bank security are as follows:  

  • Select option "Unsecured direct debit" - you will need to confirm your payroll by 3 pm two working days before payday and we will debit your Bank Account that night.
  • (or) Select "Direct Debit" and "Nett Payments - Managed by yourself". With this option iPayroll will debit fees and PAYE, and you will download and transmit your nett pay file to staff yourself

Debits from your Organisation bank account can be itemised as follows: 

  • Itemise all details on Bank Statement - Separate all transactions. Reference fields on bank statement will be FEE, TAX & PAY.
  • Itemise fees on Bank Statement - Separate fees transaction only. Reference fields on bank statement will be FEE & DD.
  • Consolidate details on Bank Statement - One transaction. Reference field on bank statement will be DD.

Secure Direct Debit by iPayroll options

Unsecured Direct Debit by iPayroll

This is the unsecured payment method where iPayroll requires 2 clear working days in between the date we debit your payroll expenses and the date we then credit monies due to employees. This is so we can check if we have cleared funds before we credit monies due to employees and third party agencies. This option does not require a payroll letter of credit (PLOC) through your bank.  

Debits from your Organisation bank account can be itemised as follows: 

  • Itemise all details on Bank Statement - Separate all transactions. Reference fields on bank statement will be FEE, TAX & PAY.
  • Itemise fees on Bank Statement - Separate fees transaction only. Reference fields on bank statement will be FEE & DD.
  • Consolidate details on Bank Statement - One transaction. Reference field on bank statement will be DD.

Unsecured Direct Debit by iPayroll options

Electronic Payment to iPayroll

Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the electronic transfer of money "Gross payroll and fees" from your account to our Trust account.  Once received we will then pay away the credit funds to employees bank accounts and PAYE to IRD.

Electronic Payment to iPayroll option

Transmit own file to bank

This is the less convenient option, but some people prefer to do the banking themselves. If you have the necessary software from your bank you can download the bank file we create and transmit it to your bank yourself. We support all of the file formats from the different banks. You must process your direct credit file the night before pay day. Contact your bank to buy their banking software to use this option.

Transmit own File to Bank option

Bank Account

Fill in your Organisation bank account number that iPayroll will use to debit your payroll funds from.

Nett Payments Method

  • Managed by iPayroll

iPayroll will debit the net pay amounts from your Organisation bank account, and then credit the amounts to the staff when due.

  • Managed by Yourself

After you confirm each payroll, if you have the necessary software from your bank you can download a bank file that iPayroll automatically creates and transmit it to your bank yourself. 

Contact us to change your Nett Payments method above.

Financial Security

Direct Debits are guaranteed by a Payroll Letter of Credit with your bank. Any funds held on your behalf are held in a separate Client Bank Account. We accept responsibility for all tax payments, including any late payment penalties (If we manage your tax).

See the 'Your money is secure' section of the Security page of the website here.

Your Organisation Tax Details

New Employers

All employers must be registered with Inland Revenue. 

Register as an employer with IRD

Inland Revenue provides an online service to Register new Employers. You will need to use this service if your organisation is not already registered as an employer, or doesn't have an IRD number.

It’s easy to do and only takes a few minutes. You’ll need a company IRD number but you can use your personal IRD number if you’re not a registered company.

Go here to the IRD online employer registration:


Complete an Employer registration form (IR334) and post it to IRD.

Note: If registering online IRD will send you a confirmation email that you must reply to.

Tax Options

We offer two options for handling your payroll-related tax payments and returns to Inland Revenue, which can be changed on your 'Organisation' page.

  1. We manage your payroll-related taxes.
  2. You manage them yourself.

Note: When you elect to have iPayroll manage your payroll-related tax for you, the relevant tax deductions will be sent to us with each payroll payment, and we will process then to IRD lon the due date.

On the due date we will submit all the necessary payroll-related returns and payments to Inland Revenue on your behalf. This includes your Tax Remittances (IR 345 forms), Monthly Returns (IR 348 forms or electronic IR files) and KiwiSaver forms and schedules. We will pass your payroll-related tax deductions (including KiwiSaver deductions and contributions) onto Inland Revenue when they fall due.

There is no additional charge for this service, and we accept responsibility for any late payment penalties, providing we have correctly received all payments.

Select the Tax option for your Organisation

PAYE Intermediary

Additionally, iPayroll is an accredited and listed PAYE Intermediary. You can elect to have iPayroll act as your PAYE Intermediary with Inland Revenue, which provides additional benefits.

If you wish, you can still do your own returns and payments to Inland Revenue, and administer your own Payroll Giving scheme. Please refer to Inland Revenue for full details on your tax obligations.

Tax Remittance (IR345)

Inland Revenue requires employers to send tax payments and remittances to them at different frequencies, depending on the size of your Organisation.

If we manage your tax, we will do this for you.

If you manage your own tax, you must complete these tasks - follow the instructions on your Submit Remittance page.

That page contains full instructions. 

Here is an example of what a IR345 looks like when filed manually to IRD. 

Tax Return (IR348)

Inland Revenue requires employers to send them a monthly return, either via a printed schedule or through their ir-File website.

If we manage your tax, we will do this for you.

If you manage your own tax, you must complete this task - follow the instructions on your Monthly Schedule page.

That page contains full instructions. 

Here is an example of what a IR348 looks like when filed manually to IRD.

Tax History

A full history of Remittances and Returns are available in iPayroll for each tax year. These can be viewed or printed at any time.

This is where you will find all your Tax History in iPayroll.

Payroll Giving (iPayroll Giving)

If iPayroll manages your tax your employees can establish Payroll Giving donations themselves, via their Payslip Kiosk - there is no administration required from you. Also see: Set up a new iPayroll Giving donation.

The employees can donate money to certain charities through their payslip kiosk shown.

Your Organisation Payroll Options

Set iPayroll to send you a reminder email to complete a payroll

The email reminder is sent to the Organisation email address('s) a number of days you select to receive the email prior to when the payroll is due to be confirmed.

Set your Payroll Options on your Organisation Details page under Setup

Set iPayroll to email you the Tax Invoices for your pay as you go iPayroll fee's

If you set iPayroll to Email Invoices, then when each payroll is fully complete iPayroll will automatically email you the Tax invoice for the iPayroll fee's you paid. A copy of the Tax Invoices can also be found under the 'Payroll History' report.   

 Set your iPayroll Options on your Organisation Details page under Setup

Your Organisation Email and Contact Details

Your Organisation Email Contact(s)

These are the email addresses we hold for your Organisation. iPayroll will send emails to these addresses, correspondence such as when a payroll is due, or when a payroll has been confirmed. Please note the first person's email address is the main email address and they will also receive change request emails when the staff request changes to their details through their payslip kiosk. 

To add a new email address, select '+Add' on the right hand side above your email contacts. Press 'Save' to save your changes.

Your Organisation contact person('s)  

It's important to keep these fields up to date, as all invoices and contact from the iPayroll team will be directed to the contact Email Address(es) or Phone Number('s).

If we need to contact you, we will try to reach the contacts at the top of the list's order first. You may re-arrange the priority order by selecting the up and down arrows.

To add a new contact, select '+Add' on the right hand side above your contacts. Press 'Save' to save your changes.  

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