Payrolls have the requirement to record the number of days you are paying your employee for each pay. If your employee has an irregular pattern of work, recording the days paid in the pay period will help to calculate ADP (Average Daily Pay) which may be used when paying sick, bereavement, public holiday, alternative holiday or family violence days.
If someone works Monday to Friday, this would be counted as 5 days. Any type of paid leave is to be counted as a day. Record them as a whole day only. Days not worked or unpaid leave (weekends and Leave without pay) are not counted. Any ACC Leave without pay and Parental Leave without pay days are counted as they are included in leave accruals.
For people with irregular patterns of work, you will need to record the days on the Timesheet Entry each pay.
If your employees have regular days, add them to the Person's Timesheet Template and each time you process a pay they will be recorded automatically. Also make sure to update the Work Pattern on the Personal Details page with the hours and days each week they normally work.