Timesheet Template
Child Support Arrears - Deduction Element
Child Support % Deduction You will have received a notification from IRD to deduct an amount each pay for one of your employees. You are required to do this by law. iPayroll has a standard Pay Element - Child Support Deduction - CSD Element. If you ...
Student Loan Deductions
Notices from IRD If your employee's tax code is M SL it means that they have a student loan and each pay a percentage of their gross taxable earnings will be used to pay their loan. Part of their earnings are exempt from the calculation, this is ...
Change or apply Leave Entitlements on the Timesheet Template
Leave Entitlements are applied and can be either changed or removed on the Timesheet Template. Generally every Timesheet template (and therefore timesheet entry) should have a Leave entitlement transaction. These are required to accrue leave ...
Casual Employee Holiday Pay (8% of Gross Earnings as-you-go)
Casual Employees A casual employee is an intermittent or irregular employee that does not accrue 4 weeks' paid annual holidays. The holiday pay must be shown as a separate line on their payslip each time it is paid to them. Minimum Wage does NOT ...
Setting a person's Timesheet Template
There are two types of Timesheet's in iPayroll. The Timesheet Templates and the Timesheet's that are part of a Payroll, usually called Timesheet Entry. When you Open a new payroll, the Timesheet Templates for the people attached to the pay frequency ...
Child Support Deduction - CSD Element
Notification from IRD to deduct Child Support Deduction You will have received a notification from IRD to deduct an amount each pay for one of your employees. You are required to do this by law. Check the details of the payday and pay period on the ...
Tax Arrears - TAXA Deduction Element
Notification from IRD to deduct Tax Arrears Deduction If you will have received a notification from IRD to deduct an amount each pay for one of your employees. You are required to do this by law. Check the details of the Employee name, their IRD ...
Attachment Order for Unpaid Fines - CRTS Deduction Element
Notification from Ministry of Justice to deduct Courts Deduction If you will have received a notification from Ministry of Justice to deduct an amount each pay for one of your employees. You are required to do this by law. Check the details of the ...