Submit your Timelogs for approval in your Payslip Kiosk
Log into the Payslip Kiosk and select the "Timelogs" menu. You can submit Timelogs for just one day on the "Day View", or select the "Week View" to submit a whole week's worth of Timelogs at once. 1. Find the Timelog entry or entries you wish ...
Edit a saved Timelog entry in your Payslip Kiosk
You can edit a saved draft Timelog entry before you have submitted these to your employer. But you can not edit them after these have been submitted. How to edit a saved Tmelog entry in your Payslip Kiosk 1. Log into your Payslip Kiosk and select ...
Find out if you need to log your time
Confirm with your Employer It is really important that you speak with your employer about logging your time through Timelogs so you understand their expectations. For example the Time Code activities you are expected to record, and whether you are ...
iPayroll Employee Kiosk - Timelogs
iPayroll Employee Kiosk - Timelogs Timelogs are the way to tell your employer how many hours you worked on a given day so that you can get paid accordingly. After adding a timelog it is important to send it for approval. We will only notify your ...