Upload a document for a person

Upload a document for a person

Paymasters can upload and store an electronic copy of an employee's documentation. This makes it easier to access that person's employee related documents, for example, their individual employment agreement or correspondence from Inland Revenue or the employee themself.

Paymasters and users with a Full Enquiry access role, for example Enquiry Only or Leave Approvals and Full Enquiry, can then download any documents related to the specific person. See Access a person's document for instructions on retrieving an electronic document.

Upload a document to a person

  1. Go to People > View People and select the person you want to upload documents for.
  2. Under the Personal Details sub-menu, select Documents.


The Documents page is displayed.


  1. Select Choose File.

The Open window is displayed.

  1. Browse to the location of the file you want to upload.
  2. Select the file and select Open.
  3. In the Title field, type the name of the document.
  4. If required, in the Description field, type a description for the document.
  5. Select Upload.

The document is uploaded.

File types that can be uploaded


.doc .docx .dot .dotx
.ods .odp .otp .ots .ott
.pot .potx .ppa .pps .ppsx .ppt .pptx
.xla .xlc .xlm .xls .xlsx .xlt .xltx .xlw

.ief .iefs
.jpe .jpeg .jpg
.png .x-png
.tif .tiff

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