Timelogs Glossary

Timelogs Glossary


A fully integrated iPayroll add-on that enables employees to log/record the time they have worked.

Time log

A time log is an entry made by a person (or a Timelogs Approver or Paymaster entering time on their behalf) that records the date worked, the total hours worked, the time code and the start and end time, when work was done.

Time code

A time code is a label for a work activity. A person may label their time log with a time code. Time codes are mapped to pay elements, and cost centres if enabled. 

Timelogs Approver

A Timelogs Approver is the name of the role that is able to go to People > Timelogs and review all time logs entered. A Timelogs Approver may approve, suspend, or void time logs. A Timelogs Approver may also add, edit or delete time logs. A Paymaster also has Timelogs Approver access.

Timelogs Approver Overview

The Timelogs Approver Overview is the main page a Timelogs Approver accesses when approving time logs (People > Timelogs).

Timelogs Approver Detail View

The Timelogs Approver Detail View is similar to the Day View in Timelogs in the Employee Kiosk. The Timelogs Approver Detail View is the view that you see when drilling into a day's time logs for a person, from the Timelogs Approver Overview.

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