Timelogs Android App Main Page

Timelogs Android App Main Page

Timelogs can be entered in the iPayroll Android app.

The Main Timelogs Page


  1. Menu
    Access Timelogs from the menu.
  2. Send
    Submits the time logs for the period.
    Note: Tapping the Send icon will only submit draft time logs in the current displayed date range. If you have time logs to submit for more than one pay cycle (or week if viewing time logs by week), you need to go to each date range to send them.
    Note: The Send icon only displays if there are any draft time logs for the period.
  3. Date Range
    Current date range displayed. Tap arrows to change date range.
  4. Draft Timelogs
    Number of draft time logs for the period.
  5. This Cycle or This Week
    The number of hours (including draft time logs) for the period.
    Note: Depending on how your employer has configured Timelogs, you will either see 'This Cycle' (your pay cycle), or 'This Week' (Monday to Sunday).
  6. Day Picker
    Days in the period.
    • Tap a day to display that day's time logs
    • Swipe left or right to scroll to see other days in the period
    • Each day displays number of hours entered (including draft time logs) under the date
    • The current selected day is highlighted in black
    • A blue circle indicates at least one draft time log on that day
  7. Timelog Entry
    Tap to view details of timelog entries.
    Hint: Swipe left or right to change the day to the previous or next day.
    • Timelog statuses
      • Sent - time log has been submitted
      • Approved - time log has been approved
      • Paid - time log has been paid in a pay
      • Cancelled - time log has been cancelled
      • No status - time log is still draft
    • If a time log is draft, you can edit (Edit icon) or delete (Bin icon) the time log
    • If there are no time logs on any date, the day will display
  8. Add
    Add a time log.

Note: See the Add Timelog in Android App article for information on adding a time log.

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