Salary Sacrifice Pay Element

Salary Sacrifice Pay Element

A Salary Sacrifice deduction can be set up to allow you deduct from an employee's pay before any tax calculations are made. Using this type of deduction will reduce a person's PAYE, Student Loan and Kiwisaver calculations and you should seek legal /taxation advice before using this option.
Any deductions from a person's pay can only be made with their written permission and you must consider exceptional circumstances (eg if they leave your employment before that balance is paid,  leave without pay and any legislative deductions that may take priority over this deduction, such as Child Support).
Leave continues to be paid at the same rate before the salary sacrifice has been applied.
If the deduction is for an indefinite amount of time (eg Salary exchange for Private Use of Vehicle), do not select the Reducing Balance Deduction or Recover on Final Pay options.
Once the balance has been paid, the deduction will be removed from the Timesheet Template.
It has the effect of reducing a person's PAYE, Student loan and KiwiSaver contributions and you should seek legal /taxation advice before using this option.
For more information here IRD KiwiSaver 
For more information here WorkRide Tax Ruling 
For more information here Land Transport NZ Employer e-bike

Setting up a new Pay Element Deduction - Reducing Balance

  1. Setup > Pay Elements > Deductions
  2. + Add
  3. Deduction Code* > SAL-SACR
  4. Description* > Salary Sacrifice - Reducing Balance
  5. Edit Payslip Description - if you need to 
  6. Calculation Rule* > "Rate Amount" from Deduction Details
  7. Rate Amount* 0.0000
  8. Priority is 395
  9. Payment Details > where you want the deduction to go to -
  10. Select > Cheque Schedule if the money stays with you OR
  11. Select > Bank Schedule if the money is paid into another bank account > use the Payee Particulars, Reference and Code for the bank statement
  12. Costing Details (if you have enabled costing) > where you want the deduction to go to in your accounting system
  13. Deduction Type > Other > Pre-Tax Deduction
  14. Select > Allow Partial Deduction - will still deduct an amount even if there is not sufficient funds to deduct the full amount for the pay period
  15. Select > Reducing Balance Deduction - will calculation the balance after each pay
  16. Select > Recover on Final Pay - outstanding balance will be deducted automatically when Final Pay is selected 
  17. Save
  18. Add this to the Person's Timesheet Template to activate a regular deduction from their pay.

Add it to the Timesheet Template - before you open the pay 

  1. People > View People
  2. Select > Person's name 
  3. In the Timesheet Template
  4. Qty > enter 1
  5. Select > SAL-SACR -  Salary Sacrifice - Reducing Balance from the drop down
  6. Cost Centre (if enabled) > will autofill when you select Add
  7. Rate > Enter the amount to be deducted each pay 
  8. + Add

Timesheet Template Entry 

  1. Balance* > enter the total amount to be deducted from the person. 
  2. If Payment Method is Cheque add a Payee Reference - such as agreement number or name 
  3. If Payment Method is Bank  edit Payee Reference etc - such as agreement number or name to appear on the bank statement
  4. Notes - Add information if required (original amount - this will be displayed on Person's payslip 
  5. Save
  6. Open your pay 

Review the Timesheet and payslip

  1. Payroll > 2. Enter 
  2. Select > Person's name 
  3. In the Timesheet Entry
  4. Select > Payslip 
  5. Review the details and the display - outstanding balance will have been reduced by deduction in current pay
  6. Select > Compare Payslips to check the difference to take home pay, PAYE, Student Loan and KiwiSaver calculations

Setup > Pay Elements > Deduction screenshot

Timesheet Template Entry screenshot

Timesheet Entry - PAYE and KiwiSaver have been reduced screenshot

Timesheet Template Details - PAYE and KiwiSaver before Salary Sacrifice Deduction screenshot

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