Reviewing payroll transactions created from Timelogs
Whenever approved time logs are accepted into a payroll, the time logs added to each person is based on the pay element, and cost centre (if enabled). The total hours worked for each pay element, and cost centre, is added to a person's current timesheet as a new payroll transaction.
You can review each person's time logs transactions in the payroll on each person's timesheet.
View time logs transactions in a payroll
- In iPayroll, go to Payroll > 2. Enter.
- Select the person whose timesheet you want to review.

Note: You can review the total hours added from Timelogs as line items in the timesheet, grouped by pay element, and cost centre (if enabled), on the timesheet.
Note: Each Timelogs line item contains the message, Collected from Timelogs on dd-Mmm-yyyy on the timesheet.
Note: You may edit or remove a Timelogs line item as needed.
Note: Deleting the Timelogs line item from the timesheet changes the status of all time logs associated with this entry from Accepted to Approved.
Note: Editing or removing a payroll transaction will not edit or remove the associated time logs in Timelogs.
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