Reset Two-Factor Authentication For a User

Reset Two-Factor Authentication For a User

Reset Two-Factor Authentication For a User

This article is for Paymasters, Primary Group users, Primary Partner users and Primary Affiliate users.
You only need to reset two-factor authentication (2FA) for a user if the user is unable to log into iPayroll. If the user can log into iPayroll, they can reset their own 2FA. 
Resetting 2FA essentially means removing the 2FA from the user's iPayroll account, and then setting it up again, either while the user is logged into iPayroll, or the next time the user logs into iPayroll.
If a user can't log into iPayroll, you will need to remove 2FA from their account on their behalf. The user will then set up their 2FA again on their next login.
If 2FA is optional for a user, you will need to disable two-factor authentication for a user.
If 2FA is compulsory for a user, you will need to to reset two-factor authentication for a user.

Reset 2FA For an Organisation User

A Paymaster can reset 2FA for an Organisation user.
  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Select either:
    • the user's hyperlink, or
    • the Pencil icon for that user.
  3. Select the Two Factor Authentication sub-menu.
  4. Select Reset.
  5. Select Confirm.
  6. A success message displays confirming 2FA has been reset for the user.
The user can now log into iPayroll and set up 2FA as part of the login process.
If a Paymaster requires their 2FA to be reset, and there is no other Paymaster available to reset 2FA on their behalf, or this is the Primary Paymaster, the Paymaster should contact the iPayroll Helpdesk.

Reset 2FA For a Kiosk User

A Paymaster can reset 2FA for a Kiosk user.
  1. Go to People > View People.
  2. Select the person whose account you need to remove 2FA from.
  3. In the Personal Details page, below the sub-menus
  4. Select Reset 2FA.
  5. Select Confirm.
  6. A success message displays confirming 2FA has been reset for the user.

The user can now log into their Kiosk again and set up 2FA as part of the login process.

Reset 2FA For a Group, Partner or Affiliate User

A Primary Group, Partner or Affiliate user can reset 2FA for a Group, Partner or Affiliate user.
  1. Select the Users tab.
  2. Select either:
    • the user's hyperlink, or
    • the Pencil icon for that user.
  3. Select the Two Factor Authentication sub-menu.
  4. Select Reset.
  5. Select Confirm.
  6. A success message displays confirming 2FA has been reset for the user.
The user can now log into iPayroll and set up 2FA as part of the login process.
If a Primary Group, Partner or Affiliate user requires their 2FA reset, the Primary Group, Partner or Affiliate user should contact the iPayroll Helpdesk.

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