My iPayroll postings are not in Xero?

My iPayroll postings are not in Xero?

Xero Posting Errors

Xero no longer supports interface connections for Cashbook and Ledger plans and you will receive an error each time you try to connect.
Check your plan - In Xero, click on your organisation name > Select My Xero and under Subscription, you will see the Xero plan you have and the Subscriber of your organisation.
Remove the connection - In iPayroll go to Setup > Interfaces click disable.
For more information here: Xero Price Plans
For more information here: Xero Cashbook
The iPayroll interface with Xero sends the information once you confirm your pay. 
If there is a problem with the transfer the postings will not be sent to Xero there will be a message on the confirm screen in iPayroll to help you correct the coding or to reconnect the interface. 
Go to Payroll > 4. Confirm. If you have time, Unconfirm your payroll and fix the error. Then Confirm the payroll to post to Xero again. 
Go to Reports > Financial > General Ledger Postings to view your entries.
Contact our Helpdesk if you are not able to post or reconnect to Xero.

Error Messages displayed on the Confirm screen with instructions to assist you to fix an error

"Please reconnect" 

Sometimes the connection between iPayroll and Xero may reject, usually due to updates and new releases. We recommend you go to Setup > Interfaces > Disable > Enable to reconnect your Xero interface in iPayroll.

"Account code 'Missing' is not valid for this document." 

You are trying to post a transaction in iPayroll to Xero for someone who is missing a cost centre on either their Personal Details or on a transaction. Check the General Ledger Postings report where you can select the 'missing' transaction to see who you need to correct. 

"Account Code 'code' is not valid for this document." 

You are trying to post a cost centre transaction from iPayroll that does not have a corresponding Chart of Account code set up in Xero. 

"Invoice not of valid state for modification" 

You are trying to update an invoice in Xero that can no longer be updated. Reason could be that the invoice has been set to void or there is a payment associated with the invoice.

"The TaxType code 'taxType' cannot be used with account code 'code" 

A incompatible tax type is being posted to an account in Xero.

"Account code 'code' has been archived, or has been deleted". 

The Account Code iPayroll is trying to post to has been archived or deleted.

"Unable to connect to Xero. Check your Xero interface is setup correctly".

We recommend you go to Setup > Organisation > Interfaces > Disable > Enable to reconnect your Xero interface in iPayroll.
Please note: Sometimes it may appear to be connected but it has been disconnected, usually due to a new release. 
You should disconnect the integration in Xero.
In Xero > Settings > Connected Apps > iPayroll > Disconnect > Log out of Xero and then log into iPayroll > Setup > Organisation > Interfaces > Enable 
You will need to go to Reports > Financial > General Ledger Postings to view that the Debits and Credits are all correctly assigned.

Reposting to Xero if the pay is Closed

To try and repost the invoices to Xero again go to Reports > History > Payroll History and select the reports button in the last column for the pay period you require the repost for.
Below the historical reports for the pay, select the Post Invoices to Xero button. 
If this fails, you will need to manually post the invoices in Xero. 
Click here for information: Reposting Historical Information to Xero

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