Managing kiosk users

Managing kiosk users

By default, an activation email is sent to a new person after the first payroll, they are paid in, has been closed. In some instances, you may want to send the activation email to a person before the payroll has closed. For example, if you would like the person to start using Timelogs immediately.

There also could be some people who have been sent an activation email, but have not activated their kiosk yet. You may want to send an additional email as a replacement or a reminder.

In the Kiosk Management page, you can select people to send (or resend) the kiosk activation email to, see who has activated their kiosk, and see the last time a person has accessed their kiosk.

The Kiosk Management page

  1. Go to People > Tools then select Kiosk Management from the Tools menu.
    The Kiosk Management page displays.
  2. Select a checkbox to include a person in the list of people to send activation emails to.
  3. Deselect a checkbox if you would like to exclude a person from the list of people to send activation emails to.

Note: If you select the checkbox in the heading, you will select all people who can receive an activation email. Deselecting the checkbox would then clear all checkboxes.

Note: A checkbox cannot be selected for one of the following reasons:
The kiosk is already activated for that person, or
The person does not have an email address set in their Personal Details

Note: Selecting the hyperlink of the person's name will redirect you to the person's Personal Details. You can then add an email address for that person.

  1. Select the Send Activation Email button to send activation emails to the selected people.

The Success - the Activation Email has been sent message displays.

Note: An activation email will still be sent to a person, when their first payroll is closed, if they have not yet activated their kiosk at the time the payroll was closed.

Note: Sort by a column by clicking on the column header. Clicking the column header again will reverse the sort order.

Note: Type a person's name in the Search field to filter to that person in the Kiosk Management table.

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