Leave Pay Elements
iPayroll has Standard Leave Taken Pay Elements, these are maintained by iPayroll and are created using standard legislative requirements and processing rules.
You can set up your own Special Leave Taken Pay Elements. This allows you to easily record any leave entitlements according to your individual employment agreements.
Check the standard leave elements before setting up your own leave.
You can create a new Leave Balance Name - Setup > Organisation > Leave Balance Names. This will be available in the Leave Type drop down in Other Leave.
Add a new Leave Taken Pay Element
- Go to Setup > Pay Elements
- Select > Leave > + Add
- Select > Add Leave Taken
Complete Basic Details
Leave taken Code* - This Code appears in the drop-down list when you add transactions to a timesheet. Use a short, easy to type code that you can remember easily.
Description* - Use a description that clearly describes what this leave is for. This may be displayed on timesheets and payslips.
Payslip Description - If this is not completed the default for timesheets and payslips is the Description
Multiplier - Enter 1.0 The amount calculated is multiplied by this and it should always be 1.0 for practically any leave.
Calculation Rule - Select the appropriate type from the list. This is the main way to determine how leave taken is paid.
- For a calculation that depends on a person's pay rate, use "Pay Rate from Person"
- Use "Rate Amount" from Leave Details for Unpaid leave
- Annual Leave use 'Built in NZ Annual Leave Calculations' rule that performs annual leave calculations according to the Holidays Act 2003. (See AL - Annual Leave).
- Some other leave types (e.g. Bereavement Leave) are paid using the 'use NZ Relevant Rate Calculations' rule that performs leave calculations according to the Holidays Act 2003.
Rate Amount - This entry depends on the Rate Type selected (above).
- For a Fixed Amount, enter the actual rate to pay this payment at. Alternatively, enter 0.0 if the amount is to keyed when entering timesheet’s.
- For a Percentage based rate type, enter the percentage to apply, (e.g. enter 6.5 for 6.5%)
Priority - Leave this blank, an appropriate priority will be generated. The priority determines the order in which transactions are calculated, paid and displayed on timesheets and payslips. Sometimes calculations depend on other payments in the same timesheet. (e.g. a payment that is calculated on a percentage of Taxable Earnings must be calculated after all Taxable Earnings have been calculated).
Complete Costing Details (only required if costing is enabled)

Default Cost Centre - Select how this leave is to be costed.
- None - A cost centre will have to be entered every time you include this leave in a timesheet.
- Defaults to the Persons Home cost centre - The cost centre from their Personal Details page will be always be used, unless you override it when you are entering timesheets.
- Defaults to - select a cost centre from the drop down list that will always be used for this leave type. You may need to add a new Cost Centre if the appropriate one is not displayed.
- Template - This allows you to set up a rule that will direct the payment to the appropriate cost centre, taking part of the code from the person's cost centre and the remainder from the template. Enter a ? in each position that should come from the person's home cost centre. For example, ??-LVE will construct a cost centre from the first 2 characters of the person's home cost centre, and append -LVE onto the end.
Complete Leave Type

Liable Earnings - Tick all three boxes that apply to this Leave payment type.
- Employer ACC Levy - This payment is to be included in the Total Liable Earnings for Employer ACC Levy calculations as most are, with the exception of ACC first week
- Superannuation - Tick this payment is to be included in Superable Earnings. Only untick if you do not want this included into your Approved Superannuation Fund calculations. By default all leave payments are used in KiwiSaver calculations.
- Holiday Pay - Tick this payment to be included in Holiday Pay Liable Earnings as most Taxable Earnings are.
Leave Type - Select the category that best describes this leave. The balance or taken value of this leave will then be recorded with this leave type or use the Drop down menu in Balance to select the Leave Name especially if you have created a new Leave Balance Name.
Payable on Final Pay - Select if a person should be paid out the leave liability in a final pay, including deducting a negative balance from the final pay.
Available for Leave Request - Select if this leave type is available to request in the iPayroll Employee Kiosk.
Tax Type - Select the one that best describes this payment type.
- Taxable - This is the default as it applies to almost all leave.
- Extra Pay - only if this leave payment is to be taxed as an extra pay or lump sum (emolument) tax rate.