The Accident Compensation Act 2001 (ACC). ACC provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand.
The Personal Details for a Person who is currently employed by the organisation.
A payment given to a person when they receive a backdated pay increase.
The number identifying the bank, branch, customer number and account number that payments are made to or from.
A file containing Direct Credit transactions that is transmitted to your bank to pay your people, deductions, superannuation and processing fees.
A report produced with every payroll that lists all payments made from the organisation's bank account.
A person who receives Casual Holiday Pay payments each pay instead of accruing annual leave.
A payroll will be closed by us after all processing for that payroll has been completed. Once a payroll is closed it cannot be changed and is processed into history. You cannot run another payroll until the current payroll has been closed, however this may be "Closed in Advance" by contacting the helpdesk, which will enable another payroll to be processed immediately.
A payroll must be confirmed by the customer before it can be processed on your behalf. Once a payroll is confirmed by the customer processing by us will be undertaken, banking completed and then closed once completed.
Payroll transactions may be charged against cost centres to provide various costing reports to help you manage and analyse payroll costs.
Child support is money paid by parents to help financially support their children. The scheme is administered by Inland Revenue.
An element that defines the rules controlling how deductions are made from a person's pay.
An entry in a Bank File.
A form signed by your organisation authorising us to debit funds from your bank account to manage your banking on your behalf.
A generic term for a Payment, a Deduction or a Leave code that defines the rules controlling how that element is calculated and paid.
A tax deduction taken from a Superannuation Subsidy.
A person is given a final pay when they leave the organisation and their personal details are made inactive. (See Final Pay).
The total dollar value of all payments, including leave, made to a person or included in a payroll. This excludes processing fees and superannuation subsidies.
Goods and services tax (GST) is a tax on the supply of most goods and services in New Zealand.
The Personal Details for a Person who is no longer currently employed by the organisation and a received a Final Pay.
The Internet-based payroll processing service for New Zealand.
The schedule amendments form required by Inland Revenue to amend historical schedules.
The monthly (or twice-monthly) return to Inland Revenue providing details of the tax payments made to Inland Revenue. Also see ir346.
For organisations that pay ESCT. The (bi)-monthly return to Inland Revenue providing details of the tax payments made to Inland Revenue. ESCT may be shown on the ir345 from 1-Apr-2008. Also see ir345.
The monthly (or twice-monthly) return to Inland Revenue providing details of all employee payments and tax deductions.
The Tax Number used by Inland Revenue to uniquely identify every taxpayer.
Inland Revenue is the government department responsible for administering New Zealand's tax system.
The electronic return to Inland Revenue providing details of all employee payments and tax deductions. This can also be filed on a paper schedule.
The Employee Kiosk allows people to view their own payslips over the Internet.
(As defined by Inland Revenue). An organisation that paid over $500,000 in tax payments in the previous tax year. A large organisation makes tax payments bi-monthly.
A calculation performed in every payroll that calculates the proportion of a leave entitlement that is currently due to a person. The entitlement accrues during the year and is given to the person on their leave anniversary.
The date when a person is given a leave entitlement.
The current amount of leave that a person has available to be taken.
A person's allocation of a particular type of leave.
Leave given to a person in Lieu of payment for additional time worked, typically out-of-hours or on a public holiday.
The outstanding dollar value of some leave. This is the cost to the Organisation of that leave.
Leave that a person has used.
An entitlement given to people allowing them to take time off work.
Gross Pay less Tax Deductions.
A payroll that is currently being processed. When a payroll is Opened, Timesheet Templates are copied from personal files into the payroll, and then changes can be made.
The Company, Organisation, Partnership or other entity that employs and pays the people in the payroll.
The date that the payroll payments are available in people's bank accounts.
The last date that timesheets are filled in to. Sometimes called the "period end date".
Income tax for salary and wage earners that is deducted by the organisation each payroll and paid to Inland Revenue as part of the Tax Payment.
A PAYE intermediary can be a payroll service provider, accountant or other tax professional who provides payroll services and is registered as an intermediary with Inland Revenue.
Money paid to a person, part of their Gross Pay.
An agreement between the Organisation and its bank guaranteeing that payroll funds will be available for direct debiting under the Direct Debit Authority.
A payroll is collection of timesheets with the same banking date.
Advice to a person providing a summary of their Payments, Deductions and other information for a pay period.
An employee, contractor, staff member, director or other entity that receives payroll payments.
The details stored about a person within iPayroll.
Summary information that can be printed, downloaded into Excel or viewed.
(As defined by Inland Revenue). An organisation that paid less than $100,000 in tax payments in the previous tax year. A small organisation makes tax payments monthly.
Student Loan Deductions are loan repayments made to Inland Revenue by people who borrowed money to pay for their tertiary education. The repayments are on included in the Tax Remittance and Tax Schedule.
An element specific to a particular organisation, as opposed to a Standard Element.
An element that is set up and maintained by iPayroll and is common to all organisations. An element set up across all organisations, and maintained by iPayroll, as opposed to a Special Element.
A deduction from a person's pay that is paid into a superannuation scheme. Also refer to Superannuation Subsidy.
A benefit, separate to a person's Gross Pay, that is paid by the into a superannuation scheme.
Gross pay less all deductions.
Outstanding money owed by a person to Inland Revenue.
A code that determines what and how much tax is deducted.
A deduction made to Inland Revenue. This includes PAYE, SLD, CSD and WT.
Tax money paid to Inland Revenue, (as supported by a Tax Remittance).
A schedule providing details of a tax payment to Inland Revenue. Printed on an IR 345 or IR 346 form.
A monthly return to Inland Revenue providing details on individual person's tax deductions. Either printed on an IR 348 schedule or submitted as an ir-File.
The collection of individual payroll transactions for a person that determines the payments and deductions to be made.
The regular/recurring transactions that are stored in a person's Personal details and copied into every payroll.
An individual entry on a timesheet that describes the quantity, element, cost centre, rate and amount to be paid or deducted.
An optional feature that lets you choose your own user defined sort field for your people.
Withholding tax is deducted from payments to people who are not employees but work for the organisation on a contract-for-services basis.