How to edit a saved Tmelog entry in your Payslip Kiosk
1. Log into your Payslip Kiosk and select the "Timelogs" menu.
2. Find the Timelog you wish to edit. Select the left and right toggles to see different dates.
When you select the "Timelogs" menu, it always defaults to today's view. You can select the left and right arrows to see dates in the past or future, or select "Today" to skip back to today's date.
You can only edit an entry if you have not submitted it yet.
Select the pencil icon of the entry you would like to edit. The entry will expand to allow you to edit the Timelog fields. Once you have submitted it you cannot edit it.
3. Select "Save" to save your changes. You will be able to see the changes you've made immediately.
A green "success" message will appear after you've saved your changed Timelog entry.
You can edit any Timelog entry as many times as you need to before you submit it.