Close in Advance

Close in Advance

Close in Advance Function

Close in Advance allows you to open a new pay, if you have completely finished processing your current pay.
The money is debited from your account, employees receive their pay, the "you've been paid" email and Payday files are sent on the dates stated on the payroll.
Payslips are generated to the employee kiosk at the time of the Close in Advance.
Users with Paymaster or Confirmer access can request this by phone or an email to the helpdesk. 

Customers with the Payment options: Nett Payments - Managed by Yourself  (generating a file to upload to your bank) and Two Day Direct Debit - (you must confirm your payroll 2 days prior to employees pay date) can Close in Advance payrolls from the confirm screen themselves.   
Payslips are in the kiosk but iPayroll sends the "you've been paid" email on the final Close process as part of our banking procedures.   
A user with Paymaster or Confirmer access will have the ability to Close in Advance.
Once a pay is Closed in Advance, no changes can be made by yourself or iPayroll.  
Your new payroll cannot have the same date as the pay that has been Closed in Advance - please contact our Helpdesk.
For more information Payment Methods 

Close in Advance - Nett Payments Managed by Yourself and Two Day Direct Debit Customers only 

Once you have completed all processing and reviewed your pay
  1. Confirm the pay
  2. Upload the bank file if required for Own Nett pay customers
  3. Select Close in Advance
  4. Select Close this Payroll in Advance
  5. During our 3pm banking process this may not be available, please contact our helpdesk for assistance.

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