You will need to set up special leave entitlement rules (unless the standard AL20 applies), enter any Opening Balances and check your figures.
Ensure that they have the correct leave entitlement code on their Timesheet Template. If they are accruing based on their Standard Hours, check that figure too.
Record AL on the person's timesheet, using either the timesheet entry or the Leave Requests page under the "People menu.
These will occur at the appropriate times, giving a new entitlement and updating balances.
Follow the Final Pay instructions. The person's annual leave balance will be paid out via a 'Holiday Pay' transaction.
If a person is paid out some annual leave in a lump sum, rather than taking it, this can be paid using a 'Holiday Pay' transaction.
While Annual Leave cannot usually be paid out in cash like this for permanent staff, this method is often used for people on fixed term contracts.
Casual Holiday Pay (paid each pay) can be used for casual staff.
Your Leave Liabilities report provides details on your outstanding Annual Leave Liability. If you track your liability, this report will provide the information that you need (Tip: You can download this report into Microsoft Excel if you want to do some further manipulation or reporting).