Alternative Holiday

Alternative Holiday

When a person works on a Public Holiday that would be an otherwise be a working day  for them they are entitled to be paid at time and a half rates for the hours worked and will be entitled to an Alternative Holiday to be taken at a later date.
If an employee works on a public holiday that would not otherwise be a working day  for them, they are not entitled to an alternative holiday, but they are still entitled to be paid at the rate of at least time and a half for the hours they work.
These payments should be entered using the PHW - Public Holiday (Worked) code.
If you pay a person a PHW transaction, after you add the transaction the system will take you to a second screen where it applies an ALT-CR to a person automatically. You can choose to zero out the credit if the person is not entitled to one.

For more information here Employment NZ Alternative holidays

Alternative Holiday Credit

The ALT-CR transaction can be used to credit a person for time-in-lieu for time worked on a Public Holiday.

Go to the person's timesheet.

To enter an ALT-CR:

  1. Enter the number of hours to Credit in the Quantity field.
  2. Select ALT-CR from the list, and press the Add button.
  3. Enter the date that the credit was earned and press the Save Changes button.

The person's Alternative Holiday balance will be increased to reflect this credit. Their Leave History will also be updated.

Alternative Holiday

To record Alternative Holidays taken, use ALT - Alternative Holiday leave.

The ALT transaction can be used to pay a person when they take leave that was previously credited to them for working on a Public Holiday. 

To enter ALT leave:

Go to the person's timesheet

  1. Enter the number of hours to Pay in the Quantity field
  2. Select ALT from the list, and press the Add button.
  3. Enter the date that the leave was taken.
  4. Press the Save Changes button.

The person's Alternative Holiday Leave balance will be decreased to reflect this leave taken. Their Leave History will also be updated.

Reducing Ordinary Time Worked

If a person has a Timesheet Template containing no standard ordinary time hours, it can be tedious to reduce their time whenever leave is entered. To avoid this, select the Reduce Ordinary Time (T1) option when entering the leave details, and the person's Ordinary Time will be automatically reduced by the amount of leave taken.

Note: This option is selected by default for people with ordinary time on their Timesheet Template. If you enter the actual hours worked each pay you probably won't use this option, and it won't be automatically selected. You can always select or de-select this option as needed.

Opening Balances

If a person has an opening Alternative Holiday balance when you first set up your organisation, you can enter the figure on the person's Opening Balance page. 

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