To add a new Person to the organisation, select Add a Person from the "People" tab
Tip: You can also add a Person when displaying lists of people, or when adding a timesheet in a payroll.
Enter the Person's First Name and Surname and, if you wish, their id > Continue
A Person's Id
Every person is given an id which identifies them within your organisation. Id's are like employee numbers used in many payroll systems, and if you wish you can give each person an employee number by entering it as their id, otherwise just leave it blank and the system will assign a unique id to each person that you add.
If you want to choose your own ids, the persons first name also makes a good id (until you employ someone else with the same name...). Surnames and job titles don't make good ids - because they may change, and you can't change a person's id once it has been created.
Personal Details
Once you have added a person, you can record personal and payroll related information. This includes details such as:
Simply enter the information and press the 'Save Personal Details' button at the bottom of the page (you may have to scroll down to see it).
Important: You must press this button at the bottom of the page, or else your changes will not be saved!
Timesheet Template
Once you have entered personal details for a new person you should create a Timesheet Template for them. Every time you pay a person their Timesheet Template is copied into the current payroll. This can save you a lot of time every pay day
When you first look at a Timesheet Template it will probably already contain some entries:-
A PAYE entry, so tax is deducted every pay.
A SLD (Student Loan Deduction) entry, if the person has a tax code incorporating Student Loans.
A BANK entry, that transfers the person's pay into their Bank Account. (Depending on the person's payment method entered on their Personal Details page, you may see a different entry, for example CASH or CHEQUE).
It is now a good idea to create some Timesheet Template entries. Remember that every entry you create now means less work every time you run a pay. You would usually create these entries:-
If the person works the same number of core hours every pay, or is paid a fixed salary regardless of their hours worked, create an entry for T1 (Time One / Ordinary Time).
Tip: The "Add Ordinary Time" button will automatically add this entry for you, with the person's normal hours automatically keyed for you.
Create an entry for regular deductions that the person receives each pay (for example, union fees, insurance payments). For fixed amounts that a person has going to one of their own personal bank accounts (or their partners, kids, etc. account), use the PBA (Personal Bank Account) code.
Create an entry if the person receives Superannuation.
If the person receives any allowances every pay, enter those too.
It is easy to set up leave on iPayroll. Please follow the instructions provided and if you need assistance please contact our helpful staff on the helpdesk.
Note: If you have any "annual leave average" payments you should set up opening leave balances before making those payments - otherwise it can be a bit tricky to work out the correct balances and amounts later. (If you just pay annual leave at the person's normal pay rate you can ignore this note - it doesn't apply to you).
Once you have entered Personal Details and Timesheet Template for all the people in your organisation, you can process a payroll.