4. Leave Rates - 52 weeks Holiday Pay Gross Liable Pay History
Leave Rates History
If a persons hours worked fluctuates each period, or receives regular extra pay on top of their normal pay, then to enable iPayroll to correctly calculate the leave rates over the next 12 months, it requires the last 12 months of pay history to complete this task.
Opening Leave Rates Spreadsheet
On the spreadsheet each person requires 1 of:
- 52 rows = 52 weekly pays prior to iPayroll pay information
- 26 rows = 26 fortnightly pays prior to iPayroll pay information
- 24 rows = 24 bi-monthly pays prior to iPayroll pay information
- 12 rows = 12 monthly pays prior to iPayroll pay information
1. Id
2. Name
3. Period End Date
4. Liable Pay (Holiday Pay liable gross earnings)
5. Liable Hrs (worked for each period)
6. Days (worked for each period)
Note: iPayroll can provide an additional service working with you to help you compile this information at an additional one off fee of $10 per person.
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